How to create an Event on your Udo website
To add/edit an event is really easy. And the best part is there is no programming or styling required.
Adding / Editing an Event
- Login to your Udo website admin
- Click on the events section in the left menu to view all events
- Double click on the event you want to edit or click on the green button Create Event to create a new event
- Enter the details of the event in the metadata section (Name, Summary, etc)
- Select the Ticket Design from the drop down list
- Enter the to and from Date and Time of the event, the maximum number of tickets available and change the ticket type if required (defaults to single ticket)
- You can also add an address or a tag if this is relevant
- In the linked items you will need to attach by clicking on the yellow Add button:
- Ticket: select the option Ticket, click on the tickets available for this event (you can select multiple items by clicking and pressing ctrl on the relevant tickets) and hit Select (refer to Create and Edit a Ticket if this will be a new ticket type)
- Time: select the option Session, select the times relevant and hit Select
- Image: You can add the Feature Image and Gallery Images for the event by selecting the relevant item in the drop down list, and selecting from your Media items, or by dragging the image into the Linked Items section, and double clicking on the small items to the left of the image to have this image as the Feature Image or as a Gallery Image (hover over the icons and it will tell you what it represents)
- To add the details of the event:
- Click on the Pencil/Design icon to view the block handles.
- Drag the items in that will be relevant and type the details in (refer to Introduction to Editing for help on this item)
- Go Live to save.