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Udo SEO Features

  1. Udo makes it very easy for you to including proper Heading (H1, H2, H3, etc) elements as part of your website, just simply drag in a heading block, and set it to the correct size.
  2. All images inserted into the page, get an ALT tag, so you never need to remember to do it yourself, just remember to name the images well when you upload them.
  3. Enable markup for your business, with a simple settings page.
  4. Easily set a favicon by drag and drop an image upload and a quick visit to the site settings screen.
  5. Udo automatically outputs a robots.txt file with the correct rules for your website.
  6. Udo automatically generated an XML sitemap covering all pages within your website.
  7. All pages come with a canonical meta tag, instructing search engines where the original copy of all pages should be accessed from.
  8. Udo currently includes an English language Tag into all pages on your website, this can be customised if you require support for non-English languages.
  9. Udo being Mobile friendly includes a viewport meta tag, but still allows zooming to ensure the best possible visitor experience on every platform, and also ensure that your website gets the best possible position in the mobile search results page.
  10. Easily control the title tag for every page, product, news post, etc via the Udo titlebar field within the CMS.
  11. Allow entering of both summary and keywords tags for every page, products, news post, event, and more via the Udo content management screen.
  12. Udo automatically generates text-based URLs, but also allows you to override these with custom values when required.
  13. Udo includes a redirection manager to make it easy to redirect visitors away from pages that have been deleted, or were part of a previous website.
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