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Importing Products


Using the Udo Import function you can upload from 1 to thousands of products in one quick process. To do this you will need to have your product data in a database or spread sheet split into the columns described below. 

Please Note: If your data does not fit into these columns we can build you a custom import template to match your data.

Udo Product Column Headings

code (required and must be unique)

The code column must contain a unique product code for every product you indend to put online. If these are duplicated the Import will merge the lines with the same code together resulting in the last row imported overwriting the previous rows.

title (required)

The title column must contain the product name, as will be displayed in the product category, printed on Invoices, and in within the shopping cart.

title (required)

The title column must contain the product name, as will be displayed in the product category

price (required)

The price column must contain the product price excluding any GST. (eg $ 9.09 for a $10 inc gst price)

gst (required)

The gst column must contain the GST component of the product price. (eg $0.91 for a $10 inc gst price)

height / width / depth (optional)

The height / width / depth columns each contain the products packaged sizes in meters. These 3 columns are used together, with the volumetric constant in your shipping matrix to determine the products volumetric weight, and then the cost to ship this product to your customer.

weight (optional)

The weight column contains the products packaged weight in Kilograms. This weight is used together with your shipping matrix to determine the postage costs to your customer. Note: If the height / width / depth is present, this weight is automatically combined with the Volumetric Weight calculation.

related (optional)

The related column can contain a list of related product product codes, seperated by a semicolon ( ; ). 

category (optional - strongly reccomended)

The category column can contain one or more parent categories or category paths, seperated by semicolons ( ; ). See some examples below:

  • Mens\Tops;Mens\T-Shirts - This would ensure that the product is listed under the Mens category in both T-Shirts and Top, but not in Womens\Tops.
  • Featured;New Arrivals;Laser Printers\Colour - This would put the product in 3 categories, with Colour being a child category of Laser Printers
summary (optional - strongly reccomended)

The summary column contains a short description of the product, approximately 40-60 words is ideal. This is used if your site has search enabled, and also is shown to search engines, to use as the description of the product.

titlebar (optional - strongly reccomended)

The titlebar column the title of the page as displayed by your web-browser when visiting the product, this name is also what search engines show as the Title in the search results. This should be 40 ~ 60 characters and 7 ~ 10 words containing keywords releveant to people trying to find this particular product.

description (optional)

The description column should contain a detailed description of the product

Spreadsheet Templates

Standard Product

Click to download a template for physical products. This means products that you physically pack and ship to the customer.

Virtual Product

Click to download a template for virtual products. This means products that are either services or are delivered electronically.

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