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Add a Print Size & Price

Only add Print Sizes and Prices if you want to show Art Prints or selling Art Prints.
You do not need for Artworks because there is only 1 off. (painting)

You can set Print sizes & Prices beforehand or when you're Creating an art print

Art Print Sizes admin

Step 1 - To set up a Print Size and Price do the following.

In the left menu of your admin section click on Art Print then select Print Price List just below to open.

  1. Create a New Print Size or Price
    1. Click on the Green Create and then select Print Size + Price
    2. A slide-out window will appear allowing you to create the Size required
    3. Title - Name of Size, for example A2
    4. Summary - This can be used to give a short description for an example (ie. Printed on high-quality museum grade 100% cotton 310gsm)
    5. Medium - could be the quality of paper/material used
    6. Stock - if you have stock number place it here
    7. Dimensions - The size of your print
    8. Shipping Price - If you charge shipping you can place this here, if not just leave on Default
    9. Price - Add the Price of the Print including GST
    10. Go Live top right of popout window.
    11. This will close the window and take you back to your Art Print.
    12. Repeat if more than 1 size.
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