How to use and read the Events (ticketing) dashboard
- Open your sites Admin Area, and Login
- On the left navigation bar, click the gauge icon to the right of the Events Label
- Up in the top right you can manipulate the date range which the graph and totals are shown for.
- The coloured blocks at the top are for the following (in the selected period):
- Tickets Sold - Total no of Heads tickets were sold for
- Tickets Booked - Total no of Heads tickets were booked for
- Tickets Used - Total no of Heads that were scanned in
- Booked / Used Ratio - % of tickets that were used
- The Graph bars represent the following on each day (hovering over a particular day shows the actual numbers)
- Blue Bar - Total headcount of Tickets sold (issued)
- Orange Bar - Total headcount of tickets booked
- Red Bar - Total headcount of tickets used (entered)