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How to send out to a Mailing List

How to send out to a Mailing List

The first step is to ensure you have a mailing list set up.

  1. Go to Users on the menu on the left of the Admin screen
  2. Click on User Groups
  3. Set up your email to be sent to your mailing list
  4. Ensure Mailing List is on the list
  5. If it is not click on the white circle with a plus sign in it 
  6. Type in the title Mailing List
  7. Go Live
  8. Go to Marketing in your menu
  9. Click on Forms
  10. Open up the Mailing list / Subscribe form
  11. Click on Design to edit the form
  12. Click on the Subscribe Checkbox 
  13. Select the blue button Subscribe to
  14. Select Mailing List

Once the Mailing List is setup you can now type up your email

  1. Go to the menu item Marketing
  2. Click on Emails
  3. Click on the white circle with a plus sign in it to create a new email
  4. Give the email a name and subject
  5. Click on Create and Edit on the top right 
  6. Make sure the design button is selected (blue, not black)
  7. In the Content block add a text block by clicking on the blue circle with a white cross in it   and then selecting text 
  8. You can now type in your email details copy and paste the information into the text block
  9. All text can be edited within the block, when you are in the Text block you will see a box appear that allows you to choose the text styles, add dot points, align your text etc.
  10. If you wish to add an image to the email then you will need to add an Image block to the email within a dotted line box in the content box.
  11. Go to the linked items tab, click on the orange Add button
  12. Select  Sent to Group 
  13. Double click on Mailing List (or highlight and click on the Select button)
  14. Go Live to save the email

Send out email to Mailing List

  1. Once you are happy with the look of the email, you should send yourself a copy first to see what it looks like and ensure you are happy with the look.
  2. Click on the Send test to me button on the top panel of the email 
  3. This sends the email to the email address set up on the website for yourself, the user.
  4. Once you are happy with the email all you need to do is click on the Send Out Button (in the top panel of the email)  
  5. The email will be sent to all the people on your mailing List
  6. You can see the contacts on the Mailing List by going to the User Group Mailing List and clicking on the Linked Items tab
  7. If you go into the individual user you will see under Subscription status what they have been set up as, for example 1(or 0)  is subscribed and 128 is unsubscribe.
  8. If the email could not be sent then the user Subscription Status will change to 16=undeliverable or n=bounced
  9. You can see this on the user card in the top right hand corner
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